
stand development rodinal

Le rodinal utilisé en stand développement (à forte dilution 1

Autre caractéristique rare : le rodinal, en stand développement, permet de développer des fllms différents avec un temps de développement 

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Codes & Standards | City of Hillsboro, OR

The City of Hillsboro Design and Construction Standards help to keep people and property safe by setting minimum standards for the design and construction of public infrastructure. The Design and Construction Standards ensure adequate quality and function of public improvements. While the information in the Design and Construction Standards is most relevant to developers and engineers, there

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My approach to Rodinal semi-stand film development

Feb 12,  · My approach is pretty simple: rodinal based chemistry, and slight agitation at certain points throughout the timeline, which makes it a semi-stand rather than a full stand.

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Rodinal - Pictorial Planet

For Stand Development dilute 1:100, develop for 1 hour or 1:200 and develop for 2 hours (for higher compensation). Agitate for the first minute and leave to stand for the remainder of the time. Maintain 18-20C in a water bath. Do not move the tank or film during this time. Any film or film speed will do but try it on something unimportant first!

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1+100 Rodinal Development - Kelly Dun Photography

Mar 09,  · Development. 17 minute 30 second duration measured from first contact of Developer to film at 23°C. Pour in developer. 15 seconds of gentle agitations per minute for 3

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Stand Development - Ode to Rodinal - Lomography

Stand development is a way to develop film using high dilutions of Rodinal, typically 1:100 for 1 hour or 1:200 for 2 hours.

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Rodinal stand development - Flickr

Rodinal stand development. To see some more photos, that were public once, click here and then come back to this set and reload.

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An Introduction to Rodinal Black and White Film Developer

Jan 22,  · Rodinal was the first product produced by Agfa and the oldest continuously-produced developer formula in the world. Formally manufactured by Agfa, it was sold to Connect Chemicals (Ratingen, Germany.) in 2008. It’s a one shot liquid developer usually used in high dilutions of 1+25, 1+50, 1+100, 1+200.

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Stand and semi-stand development of film

Dec 09,  · Of course, HC110 or D76 or Rodinal are about half the cost and provides beyond acceptable results. So, the above described process is simply known as ‘Development’ or developing your film. In Stand Development (SD), a much smaller amount of developer is used but, the time to develop it is extended significantly.

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Rodinal from pain reliever, drain cleaner, and preservative

I wanted to try stand or semi-stand development for its promise of handling a wide range of ISO ratings on the same roll.

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Ilford XP2 Stand Developed in Rodinal –

Aug 02,  · Rodinal is an amazing developer. As Don Cardwell so tellingly puts it, rodinal and this method give both hard and soft tones at the same time! I’m thus going to develop my rolls of XP2 in rodinal using this semi-stand or minimal agitation technique. I hope it will complement your full-stand method, and I’ll let you know the results.

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Stand Developing Ilford FP4+ in Rodinal 1:100 - bracket [this

Oct 11,  · Here’s another photo shot with Ilford FP4+ ISO 125 in 500ml of 68F, 1:100 Rodinal stand developed for an hour. This is a photo of a very popular spot for photographers, Sutro

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The joy of using Rodinal to push Tri-X | David Shoots Film

Stand development in Rodinal brought me to a state of bliss, shooting in near-darkness, but a more "normal" processing recipe with Rodinal may have just knocked Diafine off its perch as my go-to goop for pushing Tri-X. For context, I shoot Tri-X at 1000/1250 for Diafine. I do not like the results I get pushing Tri-X to 1600 with Diafine.

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Monochrome Madness: Rodinal Stand Developing · Lomography

Mix the Rodinal concentration with 290 ml of tap water for 35mm, 380 ml for 127 and 500 ml for 120 add 1 part Rodinal for 150 parts water—so that's 1.9ml for 35mm, 2.5ml for 127, and 3.3 for 120. To prepare, do exactly the same but with the dilute it says on you fixer's bottle for me that was 1+4, so 1 part fixer to 4 parts water.

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Ilford XP2 Stand Developed in Rodinal -

Rodinal is an amazing developer. As Don Cardwell so tellingly puts it, rodinal and this method give both hard and soft tones at the same time! I'm thus going to develop my rolls of XP2 in rodinal using this semi-stand or minimal agitation technique. I hope it will complement your full-stand method, and I'll let you know the results.

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Stand Development in Rodinal | Nikon Cafe

Rodinal 1:100 - disregard temperature unless extreme heat or cold 1 minute of slow inversions, maybe 20 in 60 secs 3 really hard thumps to dislodge air bubbles, very important DO NOT TOUCH for 59 minutes, a couple minutes extra will not harm anything (the DO NOT TOUCH is very, very important) 3 water baths then fix and rinse

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Tri-X @ EI 400 Stand Development in Rodinal | David Shoots Film

Dec 12,  · Tri-X @ 400, Rodinal 1 hour stand development, Minolta XD11 and 58mm MC Rokkor 1:1.2 Recipe: 3.5ml Rodinal (Adox R09 One Shot) per roll (I did four rolls in this batch) 40 oz (US) water (effective dilution 1:85) 30 seconds initial agitation 3 slow inversions at half hour 1 minute water stop/rinse Fix Permawash LFN wetting agent

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Stand and semi-stand development of film

Shah Sells Films, Film Cameras and, Developing Chemicals in McAllen. Some commonly used BW chemistry is D76, HC110, Rodinal, Ilford DDX, 

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Rodinal stand development with 1+50?

Is it possible? I shoot HP5@1600 and loved the results I got with 1+100. I use my 2-reel Paterson tank and fill it with 6ml Rodinal at 600ml 

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Darkroom Diary: Testing Tri-X at EI 3200 Developed in Rodinal

Jul 20,  · Semi-Stand Development Method. Total development time was 35 minutes. Jobo 500ml Daylight Tank. Dilution: Rodinal 1:50 at 20C (used distilled water) Initial agitation: 1 minute of gentle inversions. Stand for 5 min intervals for 35 minutes. Gentle swirling every 5 minutes for 10 seconds. Water Stop.

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Uprating HP5 with semi stand development - Ilford Photo

Rodinal 1+100 stand 1 hour; ID11 stock solution 14 minutes. -and an interesting version of two bath processing -see below. And the winner is..

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Stand Developing HP5+ @ 1600 in rodinal : AnalogCommunity

Also, if you develop anything in Rodinal, even at 1+100, for two hours with standard agitations, everything will almost certainly be massively overdeveloped. It's called "stand development" because you just let it stand there without agitating.

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Stand development with Rodinal | Photography Forums

Stand development MEANS you let it stand after initial inversions, you don't "agitate" every minute as somebody suggested above. If you have the itch to agitate Rodinal, use it diluted @ 1:50. Even then, don't "agitate," just gently invert 3X each minute after gentle inversion 15-20 times in the first 30 seconds.

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Stand Development – Magic Bullet or Lazy? – Alex Luyckx | Blog

Rodinal is often the developer of choice running with a dilution of either 1+100 or 1+200, then letting it develop over one hour for 1+100 or 

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Rodinal Stand Development | Black and White Film ... - Flickr

Rodinal Stand Development. Epson v600 scan. I've recently bought another 500ml of Rodinal R09 ready to develop my fridge full of B&W film i've shot this 

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Stand Development an Introdcuction - Daniel Hewes Photography

Jan 28,  · Stand Developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 50 minutes. Olympus OM-1, Fuji Acros 100, rated at 80. Stand Developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 50 minutes. Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, Kodak Tri-X 400. Stand Developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 1 hour. Olympus OM-1, Fuji Acros 100, rated at 80. Stand Developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 1 hour.

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Underdevelopment through Stand development possible

I am trying to figure out how to under develop with rodinal. This has a very specific application and it will not be for all, most, 

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My First Steps into Analogue – Part 7 – By Andrea Bevacqua

There are basically two techniques. Stand development where usually there is agitation for the first 30 seconds and the film is left in the tank 

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Stand developing in Rodinal

Feb 22,  · Re: Stand developing in Rodinal. « Reply #29 on: January 08, , 01:23:16 PM ». I use this method of developing almost exclusively. I dilute at roughly 1+100. For 120 I use about 600-700 ml of water with 5ml of Rodinal for each film. For 35mm i use 4 ml and 400ml.

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I think I’m in love: stand development in Rodinal - David Shoots Film

Sep 27,  · Stand development is a technique in which you literally let the film “stand” in diluted developer for a long period of time with minimal agitation. In my case, I diluted Rodinal 1:70, poured it into the tank, and let it sit for 2 hours. Every half hour I inverted the tank (the minimal agitation). So the tank spent half the time upright, and

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Stand Up Paddle Boarding in Oregon | Places to SUP and more | Glide

Located just 15 minutes from Eugene, Fern Ridge Reservoir is the largest lake in the Willamette Valley and offers calm waters and scenic views along an incredible wildlife area, making it ideal for a stand up paddle board excursion. The reservoir was created by a dam that was completed in 1941 that helps with flood control, which also allows

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